Humanoid Robots

Verb give an impression
Put off by robots whose looks are close to, but not quite, human? This drop in comfort is known as the "uncanny valley," a feeling people get when exposed to robots that try to mimic humans but instead come across as creepy.
Adjective satisfied with things as they are
Babyloid, a robot baby designed to keep older people company, has a simplified, smiling face. Red LED lights embedded in its cheeks signify when it is contented.
Noun human whose physical abilities are helped by technology devices
A cyborg, also known as a cybernetic organism, has both biological and artificial (e.g., electronic, mechanical, or robotic) parts.
Verb trespass upon the domain or rights of another
Intrepid and numb to fatigue, robots are encroaching on yet another human job, waiting tables in Japan, South Korea and China.
Adjective seen as a representative symbol of something
Fictional android Gigolo Joe (Jude Law) in the SF film A.I., has become the iconic "technosex symbol." Would you prefer him to a human partner?
Verb imitate or copy in action, speech, etc.
Actroid models have strong visual human likeness. Developed by Osaka University, these interactive robots can mimic such lifelike functions as blinking, speaking, and breathing!
Noun remote operation of machinery to create the effect of being at a different location
Confined to a small isolation room in a hospital, a telepresence robot helped a young patient experience life at home and in the classroom.