AWL Technology

Noun way to get to or use
Harvard will be the Digital Public Library of America's first individual ‘content hub.’ Launching in 2013, anyone with access to a computer will be able to study and enjoy the “crown jewels” of Harvard’s Library system.
Noun gathering or distribution of information, esp. secret information
Now 25 year old first lieutenant and intelligence officer, Jamie, is using her social networking skills to hunt insurgents and save American lives in Afghanistan.
Verb form a connecting link between
Movies and TV in full HD on your big screen, including Netflix and Hulu, all mediated by the convenience of your iTunes account? That’s a killer platform.
Verb watch or check on (a person or thing)
A mobile phone application, which helps jealous lovers keep tabs on their partners by secretly monitoring their texts, has been removed from sale by Google.
Adjective pertaining to software whose source code is available free to the public to use
James Wheltan and Bill Liao created the open source coding movement CoderDojo, where kids learn how to code, out of nothing except a belief that learning, especially programming, should be free and open.
Noun sudden, complete or marked change in something
What begins in computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg's dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication.
Adjective free from danger or risk
Be honest, now. Is 1-2-3-4 the password to some of your supposedly secure accounts? If you crunch the numbers, over 10 percent of all cards use that particular number, and crooks know this.
Verb send from one person or place to another
NTT DoCoMo has demonstrated a cellular phone which is capable of transmitting data at incredibly high speeds. For example, one could download an entire DVD in about a minute. How cool is that!
Adjective not physically existing but made by software to appear to be
With stiff but convincing conversation and a responsive but not judgmental presence, the virtual confidant helps people disclose their anxieties.