Short "e" words 1

Noun temporary associate
Firefighters and church groups have become bedfellows with beer distributors in an effort to fight initiative 1100 in Washington state, which would deregulate the sale and distribution of alcohol.
Noun state of extreme confusion and disorder
News that the bill to curb collective bargaining rights had passed led to bedlam at the Wisconsin Capitol, the building stormed by angry opponents of the measure.
Adjective fixed in one's purpose
Ex-special operative MacGruber is called back into action to take down his archenemy, Dieter Von Cunth, who's in possession of a nuclear warhead and bent on destroying Washington, D.C.
Adjective relating to the animals that live on the bottom of a sea, lake, or deep river
The giant isopod is found in deep-sea benthic environments: from the gloomy sublittoral zone to the pitch darkness of the bathypelagic zone at a depth of 2,140 m (7,020 ft)!
Noun contest in which the competitors are equally matched
Polls show a dead heat in the U.S. Senate race between Majority Leader Harry Reid and Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle. Nevada voters have until Friday night to cast early ballots.
Verb come to an end
Peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians may dissolve since a building-freeze on settlements in the West Bank expired in late September.
Noun great fear or anxiety
Dancing phobia is generally associated with other fears such as dread of crowds or social embarrassment. It's tied to traits that curb the person from being too excited or aroused.
Verb prevent the occurrence of
In 1971 a Soviet drilling rig accidentally punched into a massive underground gas cavern. The Soviets set the hole alight to head off a potential environmental catastrophe.
Noun forward movement
Scientists are experimenting with altering the genetic template of wild mosquitoes, in the hopes of making headway in the battle against Malaria.