Word forms

Noun mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something
Schools, even in parts of the UK that evince a certain degree of ambivalence towards the Royal Family, will show their enthusiasm for the wedding on collages and banners.
Adjective full of opposing emotions or impulses
Steven Spielberg's biographical drama portrays the 16th president of the United States as an ambivalent leader, not above twisting arms and exploiting the system to get the right thing done.
Verb express strong disapproval of
Miley Cyrus sparked outrage when she posed semi-naked for America's Vanity Fair magazine. She did quickly condemn the images after they were published.
Noun expression of strong disapproval
A global chorus of condemnation followed North Korea's launch of a rocket that apparently put an object into orbit, with the United States, Japan, and South Korea describing the launch as intolerable.
Verb use up the supply or resources of something
It takes a lot of water to grow crops. In areas with little rain, there is a risk of depleting all the groundwater.
Adjective used up or emptied out
Ebb and Flow, two NASA space probes, have been orbiting the Moon and measuring its gravity field for the last year. Now that their fuel is depleted, NASA will orchestrate their death, a plunge into the lunar surface.