Common Phrases for Traveling

Phrase to begin a journey
hit the road for
My friend and I have a great time traveling together. Today we hit the road for a 3-day car trip.
Phrase very early in the morning
bright and early
We had to wake up bright and early to catch our 7:00am flight.
Phrase everything goes well without problems
smooth sailing
It was smooth sailing getting to our Airbnb with 'Uber.' The ride went by really quickly as we talked with the driver.
Phrase being in a place or situation that seems unnatural or uncomfortable
like fish out of water
Out on the streets we felt like fish out of water a lot of the time -- so many people, so much going on..
Phrase to visit or look at places that are famous or popular
seeing the sights
We spent the day in the city seeing the sights.
Phrase to get confused and lose one's way
got turned around
We were heading to the museum, but along the way we got turned around.
Phrase a place that is not close to where people usually go
off the beaten path
For dinner we went to a restaurant off the beaten path. We almost got lost finding it. No worries, the food was amazing!
Phrase stop an activity for the rest of the day
called it a day
We ended up walking everywhere! After 10 hours we called it a day -- couldn't wait to get a good night's sleep.