Strong Verbs: to go

Verb to get away from something that is difficult or unpleasant
I left school and escaped to the beach!
Verb to walk a long distance especially for pleasure or exercise
Our bus dropped us off and we hiked up to Windsor Castle.
Verb to move or work in a quick and energetic way
We hurried through the airport to catch our flight.
Verb to walk somewhere quickly in a direct and forceful way
A dad and his daughter marched through the city square on their way home.
Phrase to begin traveling in a particular direction
set out
Josh set out for downtown to meet his friends.
Verb to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident
The coach encouraged his team to keep playing hard.
Verb to walk with heavy, noisy steps when you are angry or frustrated
My sister is stomping down the street because she is angry with me.
Verb to walk slowly in a relaxed way
The boys are strolling down the street.
Verb to walk slowly and heavily because you are tired or working very hard
I had to trudge to class in the snow.
Verb to move around without having a particular purpose or direction
I didn't have anything to do so I wandered over to my friend's house.