Things to Eat with

Noun a glass or plastic container used for storing drinks
We ordered a bottle of wine at the restaurant.
Noun a round, deep dish used for food or liquid
After dinner I like to have a big bowl of ice cream.
Noun a light box or container usually made of cardboard or plastic
My roommate drinks straight from the carton. I'm glad we don't share the milk!
Noun a small tool with pointed parts used for picking up and eating food
This pasta looks delicious. I can't wait to grab my fork and start eating!
Noun a single serving of a drink
Excuse me, could we please have two glasses of orange juice?
Noun a container to drink from
Our glasses are empty. Please pour the wine!
Noun a usually sharp blade attached to a handle that is used for cutting
If you want to help make dinner grab a knife and start chopping up vegetables.
Noun an amount of bread that has been baked in a long, round, or square shape
These two loaves from the oven are nice and warm.
Noun a small, thin package
My soup came with a packet of crackers. I wish there were more than four!
Noun a usually shallow and open metal container with a handle that is used for cooking
I'm cooking up some meat and spices in the pan. It smells great!
Noun an amount that is cut or separated from a larger dish
Wow! This pie looks amazing! I'll just take a little piece...
Noun an amount of food on a dish
I made a plate of my famous nachos for the party.
Noun a flat and usually round dish that is used for eating or serving food
Time for dinner! I'm putting food on the plates.
Noun a thin piece of food that is cut from something larger
Sometimes I have crisp apple slices as a snack.
Noun an eating or cooking tool that has a small shallow bowl attached to a handle
The soup is hot, you should blow on the spoon before you eat.