Dating Vocab

Phrase to ask someone to go on a date with you
ask Lucy out
"I'm amazed that you had the courage to ask Lucy out.""Well I'm amazed that she said yes!"
Phrase to be involved in a well-known romantic relationship
been an item
Adriana and Felipe have been an item since their first year of school together.
Phrase to not care romantically about someone any more
is over John
I wonder if Amanda is over John yet. I'd like to ask her out on a date.
Noun an occasion where two strangers meet and decide if they want to start a relationship
blind date
I'm going on a blind date tonight. I hope she likes me!
Phrase to end a relationship with someone
broke up
Carla broke up with Jose. He was very upset when she told him.
Phrase to have a strong attraction between people
they had no chemistry
Samantha and Omar went on a date last week, but they had no chemistry.
Phrase to get along well
hit it off
Mike and Molly hit it off the first time they met and have been going out ever since.
Noun a romantic relationship between two people who are far apart
long-distance relationship
Aiden and Lindsey are in a long-distance relationship. They send letters and visit each other often.
Adjective having or involving strong romantic feelings
Clive and Lydia are in a serious relationship. They're talking about moving in together.
Phrase to cause two people to meet in order to start a romantic relationship
set us up
We've been dating for three months now. Our mutual friend Jan set us up.