10A. Different Kinds of Publications

Noun a book of maps
I'm looking through my atlas for a map of Eastern Europe.
Noun the story of a real person's life written by someone other than that person
I'm reading a biography of Christopher Columbus for a class on the colonization of the Americas.
Noun a book of recipes and cooking directions
I can make blueberry muffins. I just need to follow the instructions in my cookbook.
Noun a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with their meanings
"Do you know what a 'dictionary' is?""I think I have a book here that can tell you!"
Noun a book of information for travelers
We're traveling in India! What should we do first? Let's look at our guidebook.
Noun a type of thin book with a paper cover that contains stories, essays, pictures, etc.
I can't wait for my new magazine this month. It's always filled with great stories and illustrations!
Noun a book of instructions, esp. for operating a machine or learning a subject
My friend is studying his car manual so that he will know how to fix it.
Noun a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories and information about local events
My dad reads the newspaper every morning. I wonder why he doesn't get his news online like I do?
Noun a book used to study a particular subject, especially in a school
Our class received new textbooks today! We'll be using these throughout the school year.
Noun a book in which words that have the same or similar meanings are grouped together
"How should I express my feelings to Amy?""Maybe you should look at a thesaurus!"