CROSS: expressions

Verb to go from one side of something to the other
When the light is red, do not cross the street.
Phrase go over the line where one country changes into another country
crossed the border
Eulalia Garcia became a US citizen 101 years after she crossed the border from Mexico.
Phrase finish the race
cross the finish line
The runners look completely exhausted as they cross the finish line.
Phrase to go beyond what is proper or acceptable
crossed the line
Many people think Facebook crossed the line when they controlled the number of positive and negative posts that people saw.
Phrase meet each other when it was not planned or expected
crosses his path
The main characters of "The Tourist" are Frank, an American visiting Italy to get over a relationship, and Elise, an amazing woman who purposely crosses his path.
Adjective having one or both eyes turned inward toward the nose
This cute cross-eyed opossum named Heidi lived at the Leipzig Zoo in Germany.
Phrase expressing disagreement with what another person is doing or saying
with arms crossed
Todd stood with arms crossed while his son tried to apologize for leaving the door open -- the third time this week!
Phrase hope that you will be lucky and that something you want to happen will happen
fingers crossed
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this relationship will work and we'll get married this year.