Onomatopoeic Words!

Noun low, continuous sound often made by flying insects
I heard a loud buzzing and looked up to see thousands of bees flying to their swarm in the tree!
Noun close with a loud metallic sound
clanged shut
We cautiously went through the gate to the old mansion. It clanged shut behind us.
Noun a drop of liquid that falls from something
The sound of the drip drip drip from our leaky faucet is going to drive me crazy!
Verb make low bubbling noises
I'm so hungry. The wonderful smell of this pie is making my stomach gurgle!
Verb Make an involuntary, repeating coughing noise
I think I (hiccup) swallowed my pizza too (hiccup) fast!
Verb sound a car horn
Drivers behind trucks, buses, and taxis in India know to honk their horns!
Noun a deep, long, rolling sound
Hundreds of wildebeest are running by! Their rumble sounds like thunder!
Verb make a high-pitched sound or cry
I'm late. Too bad I couldn't sneak in the apartment unnoticed. The door squeaked and I got caught!
Noun roaring sound made by a motor that is running at high speed
The race car flew by with a noisy vroom!
Noun sound of something in rapid motion
It's hard to hear with the whir of the propeller right outside my window!