Flowers Parts

Noun a flower
A parasite with a bloom over 3 feet (1 meter) across! For all its beauty, this endangered plant reeks like rotting flesh, attracting insects such as flies for pollination.
Noun flower of a plant
It's cherry blossom time in Washington, D.C. The oldest trees are a gift from Japan where the flowers have long symbolized the fleeting nature of beauty and the ephemerality of life.
Noun one of the soft, colored, leaf-like part of a flower
Growers from the Netherlands have discovered how to create rainbow petals. A special extract injected in the stem creates flowers with unusually bright and vibrant colors.
Noun the female ovule-bearing part of a flower composed of ovary, style, and stigma
The male parts of flowers, called stamens, produce a sticky powder called pollen. The plant reproduces when pollen is moved by insects or wind to the female parts of flowers, called pistils.
Noun the male reproductive organ of a flower
The male parts of flowers, called stamens, produce a sticky powder called pollen. The plant reproduces when pollen is moved by insects or wind to the female parts of flowers, called pistils.