Global Words

Noun an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
If companies burn all the fossil fuel they have now, it would emit 2,795 gigatons of CO2 – 5X the safe amount. We'll have huge global warming and a catastrophe for life on earth.
Noun occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people
Cellphones helped doctors deal with a cholera epidemic in Haiti. They were used to track sick people and also send beneficial advice via texts.
Noun condensed solution taken from a plant or drug
Lavender extracts are used for perfumes and pharmacology. Much of it is grown in Provence, France where you can see huge fields with long lines of gorgeious purple plants.
Noun clean or healthy practices or thinking
Bacteria found in dirt is known to keep skin healthy, so why do we scrub clean to kill it? Even if we give up some of our hygiene practices, dentists say we still need to brush our teeth!
Noun something not moving remains still; something that is moving goes along the same
Cats drink by a 'lap and gulp' mechanism. Water is pulled from the tip of their tongue into their mouth through inertia.
Adjective infinitely or immeasurably small
There is actually no such thing as a tie. Powerful instruments show an infinitesimal difference -- 0.003 seconds can be the difference between gold and silver winners in the Olympics.
Verb change to suit one's purpose or advantage
Facebook admitted that they manipulated the number of positive and negative posts in the news feeds of over half a million users. Understandably, many people were upset.
Noun a store or part of a store in which drugs and medicines are prepared and sold
My mom has a bad eye infection. She sent me to the pharmacy to pick up her antibiotics prescription because she can't see well enough to drive.
Noun very small, positively charged particle that is part of the nucleus of an atom
The Big Bang theory says our universe was created when a tiny mass (billions X smaller than a proton) exploded and began expanding very rapidly into the stars and galaxies of today.
Noun first model of something, from which other forms are developed or copied
NASA's Z-2 spacesuit is a prototype of what the first humans to step foot on Mars might wear.