Put: idioms + [advanced]

Noun call to a supernatural power to bring harm or punishment on someone
put a curse on
A dozen witches threw the poisonous mandrake plant into the river Danube to put a curse on officials that will force them to pay taxes for the first time.
Phrase make something less strong, active, or exciting
put a damper on
Server overloads put a damper on Marvel's plans to give away 700 of its #1 comics. Instead, the promotion has been put off to ensure everyone gets their share.
Verb hold back to a later time
put off
Server overloads put a damper on Marvel's plans to give away 700 of its #1 comics. Instead, the promotion has been put off to ensure everyone gets their share.
Verb make confused or upset
Put off by robots whose looks are close to, but not quite, human? This drop in comfort is known as the "uncanny valley," a feeling people get when exposed to robots that try to mimic humans but instead come across as creepy.
Phrase cause something to stop working
put out of action
Several traffic enforcement cameras in the Netherlands have been temporarily put out of action after they were neatly adorned with Christmas wrapping paper.
Adjective send someone to jail
put them away
Some criminals are bragging about their murders, rapes and robberies on social sites, often with telltale photos or clips that can put them away.
Phrase to know the reason for something
When you think in the future, it prevents you from being in the moment now. When you're in the moment is when you are able to do things that other people can't understand, or put their finger on, y'know?
Phrase relax and do very little
put your feet up
Put your feet up and relax like you’ve never relaxed before. Nerd emporium ThinkGeek has a new pair of specs that are perfect for your more leisurely moments.