STEP: idioms +

Phrase stop going along with others
break step
Be brave. Break step with those who think they can't do anything.
Phrase moving their feet forward at exactly the same time as each other
in step
The clone army marched down the stairs in step.
Phrase remain walking, marching, or dancing in beat
keeps step
The marching band keeps step with the band leader as they parade down Main Street.
Phrase managing to do a little better than the others
one step ahead
In life, as in peewee football, it's important to stay one step ahead of the competition.
Phrase progress gradually from one stage to the next
step by step
When putting together a LEGO model, many people like to follow the instructions step by step.
Verb give up or retire from a position
step down
Lance Armstrong had to step down from being chairman of his cancer foundation, Livestrong, because he lied about doping during his bicycle riding career.
Phrase go faster, esp. in a motor vehicle
step on it
The cops are catching up to us! Step on it!
Phrase get involved in someone else's business
stepping on my toes
Tom, it's part of my job to answer questions from the press. Please, stop stepping on my toes and let me speak!
Verb leave a room or building typically for a short time
step out
Pardon me, I'm going to step out for a moment to get some fresh air...
Phrase do something you are not supposed to do
stepping out of line
Our baby brother is always stepping out of line! Maybe Papa can make him behave.