All WET!

Verb pour a liquid over
With water guns, buckets, and even elephants dousing people with their trunks, pretty much everyone gets soaked during this Thai New Year festival. It's a symbolic fresh start, and a welcome respite from the heat!
Adjective slightly wet
As dung beetles roll their feast over the hot sand, they periodically climb up on top, the moist ball acting as a mobile thermal refuge.
Verb push or throw into quickly
It’s all I can do not to plunge my face into the water and gulp down as much as I can hold. But I have just enough sense left to abstain. With trembling hands, I get out my flask and fill it with water.
Adjective extremely wet
Harry Redknapp is set to make a splash for male cancer charity Orchid by auctioning the soaked suit he wore during Spurs' monumental victory over Manchester City.
Adjective wet through and through
Gingerly I stretch out my leg into the pool, propping the heel of my boot on a rock so the leather doesn’t get too sodden, and sigh, because this does offer some relief.