Verbs: 'A' words

Verb make less active or intense
Excessive noise may be as damaging to the heart as it is to the ears, leading to higher blood pressure. Many European countries have striven to abate noise pollution.
Verb give up a high office formally or officially, especially the throne
The Queen has said she is willing to stand aside when she reaches 87, news which comes as a bombshell to monarchists who believed she would never abdicate, even though Charles is the longest-serving Prince of Wales ever.
Verb take someone away from a place illegally by force
South Sudan faces daunting challenges in building a stable nation. Cattle raids have turned deadly. Tribesmen aren't just stealing; they are slaughtering rivals, burning villages and abducting women and children.
Verb take in or soak up by chemical or physical action
Plant's photosynthesis machinery is tuned to absorb red and blue light most efficiently. In the future, plant factories will probably be "pinkhouses," glowing magenta from the mix of blue and red LEDs.
Verb manage and be responsible for the running of a business
With a growing business to administer built on her life as a wealthy heiress and celebrity, Paris says her world is nonstop hard work -- but also fun.
Verb push for something, argue in favor of
A number of umpiring mistakes early on in the 2010 postseason has prompted many to advocate for expanded use of video replay in baseball.
Verb transmit by radio or television
It may be going gangbusters on YouTube, but one of South Korea’s national TV networks won’t air the latest music video from Psy due to a scene that involves vandalism.
Verb collect or gather
It is a TV show about cartoon horses made for little girls. Yet in just three years, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has amassed a huge following among an unlikely audience - grown men. They call themselves Bronies.
Verb take into custody
After a 16-year manhunt, the fugitive Whitey Bulger has been apprehended by FBI agents in Santa Monica, California.
Verb express or state clearly
Teachers around the U.S. are using Twitter in the classroom in an effort to get students to shed their inhibition and articulate opinions.