An Experiment with Strangers

Adjective causing or feeling embarrassment
"First Kiss" shows 20 strangers who meet for the first time and then make out—on camera. Adorably awkward and surprisingly steamy, it's pretty charming. It's also a clothing advertisement.
Adjective pleasing or delightful
"First Kiss" shows 20 strangers who meet for the first time and then make out—on camera. Adorably awkward and surprisingly steamy, it's pretty charming. It's also a clothing advertisement.
Verb kiss for a long time in a sexual way
"First Kiss" shows 20 strangers who meet for the first time and then make out—on camera. Adorably awkward and surprisingly steamy, it's pretty charming. It's also a clothing advertisement.
Adjective sexually exciting
"First Kiss" shows 20 strangers who meet for the first time and then make out—on camera. Adorably awkward and surprisingly steamy, it's pretty charming. It's also a clothing advertisement.