Eat Up

Phrase to eat large quantities of food
eats like a horse
My friend is obnoxious. She eats like a horse and still stays thin. Look how much food is piled up on her plate!
Phrase to perform better than anyone or anything else
broke the record
Can you believe... she even broke the record at Nathan's July 4th Contest devouring 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes!
Phrase almost
pretty much
Still, she's pretty much normal compared to some extraordinary eaters.
Verb eat or drink up
Did you hear about Monsieur Mangetout who could consume 900 grams (2 pounds) of metal and glass a day? It's true!
Phrase eat the entire thing without chewing
swallow another snake whole
Did you know Kingsnakes can swallow another snake whole? Imagine eating something as big as you are!
Verb take up with the tongue
lap up
Or how about anteaters who use their long tongues to lap up hundreds of ants per minute -- as many as 30,000 a day!
Adjective wanting or devouring great quantities of food
I have to admit, I have a voracious appetite too. I can devour a lot especially when it comes to ice cream.
Phrase a call to live life and enjoy whether of not it's good for you
You only live once
Here's to good food and good times together. Eat up everyone. You only live once!