Celebrity Species Names

Adjective capable of soaking up a substance
This fungus is named after the cartoon character Spongebob Squarepants. It's absorbent like a sponge, and when it's moist you can wring the water out of it and it will spring back to its original shape.
Adjective extending outward beyond a usual point
This beetle is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger because its middle pair of legs has an unusually enlarged segment – which reminded scientists of the bulging biceps of the bodybuilder/actor/governor.
Noun outfit worn by a performer on stage
Lady Gaga looks just like the ferns named for her by Duke University scientists in this heart-shaped Armani Prive stage costume.
Adjective excitingly attractive
A previously un-named species of horse fly with a glamorous golden rear end has been named Beyonce because it is the "all-time diva of flies."
Noun head covering worn to protect the head
Here's a black beetle named after Darth Vader. Its shiny black head and slit-like eyes look like the movie character's helmet.