Civil Rights

Noun highest or greatest point of something
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was the apex of the American Civil Rights movement with 200,000 to 500,000 people gathered from all over the country on August 28, 1963.
Noun the claim that every person should have regardless of his or her sex, race, or religion
civil rights
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was the apex of the American Civil Rights movement with 200,000 to 500,000 people gathered from all over the country on August 28, 1963.
Noun dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Adjective of a high intellectual or moral standard or level
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was filled with speeches and song focusing on racial equality, including Martin Luther King's elevated "I Have A Dream" speech.
Noun quality or state of having the same rights, social status, etc.
Nelson Mandela is being remembered across the globe following his death at age 95. He became an icon for racial equality during a decades-long struggle against South Africa's apartheid system.
Noun basic entitlements and freedoms that many believe all people should have
The jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has been awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. The committee praised Mr Liu for his long and non-violent struggle for human rights in China.
Verb give equal opportunity and consideration to a group
The Beatles took a stand for civil rights when they refused to perform at a segregated concert in Jacksonville, Florida. Officials relented and allowed the venue to be integrated.
Adjective not willing to accept opinions or behaviors that are unusual or different from your own
Vina, founder of Gaga’s Twitter for Indonesia, said fans were not bothered with Islam Defenders Front (FPI) threats because they knew Lady Gaga would never cancel her show due to threats “from seriously narrow-minded people".
Noun unfair judgment or opinion
It's pretty simple to get out of jury duty. If you say you're biased, whether you really have a strong prejudice or are just trying to escape your civic duty, the attorneys won't want you on the case.
Noun social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups
Martin Luther King's summer spent working on a tobacco farm in Connecticut helped influence him to become a minister and to heighten his resentment of segregation.