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Noun select for a job or role
A Japanese police department appointed a chihuahua to its disaster squad, where it will serve alongside retrievers and German shepherds.
Noun something a person does in addition to a main occupation
Haruki Murakami's magnum opus alternates between a young woman with a murderous avocation and a talented writer who are irresistibly drawn toward one another.
Noun payment made by employer of state as part of a job agreement or public assistance program
Waves of protesters clashed with police and set fires across France as anger intensified against government plans to raise the age for retirement benefits.
Noun general course of one's professional achievements
Plenty of players benefit, or suffer, from the notion of clutch. No one would declare Willie Mays’s career a failure for his low postseason batting average, but Barry Bonds was dogged for much of his career because of it.
Noun order of rank in a company
QR codes are generally something we think of as silly, but it turns out they can actually serve interesting purposes for science, like tracking an entire colony of tagged ants to better understand their corporate ladder.
Noun evidence of authority, status, or rights
Higher education titles help people burnish their credentials and get ahead. But instead of doing the work themselves, some careerists are employing ghostwriters to write their doctorates for them.
Verb be successful, as in business or society
get ahead
Higher education titles help people burnish their credentials and get ahead. But instead of doing the work themselves, some careerists are employing ghostwriters to write their doctorates for them.
Adjective having the abilities or qualities needed to perform a particular job or task
After seven months of training, Prince William, 28, is going to graduate as a fully qualified search-and-rescue helicopter pilot.
Adjective undergoing training in a skill or trade
Foxconn, Apple's largest manufacturing partner, is coming under renewed criticism over labor practices after reports that vocational students were being compelled to work at plants making iPhones.