Adjective able to channel electricity
Engineers have long been trying to come up with a synthetic polymer that is flexible, waterproof, conductive, heals itself, and is sensitive to touch, all outside the carefully calibrated set-up of a lab. Just like our skin.
Noun small dent or crease in the flesh, especially on the cheeks or chin
The King of Pop admitted to having two nose jobs and a dimple added to his chin. Although there was speculation that he dyed his skin, he said he had a disease called vitiligo and used makeup to even out the discoloration.
Adjective containing gritty substance to remove dead surface layer of skin when scrubbing
Healthy skin doesn't have to come from an expensive medical process. In fact, simply adding an exfoliating product to your skin care routine can reveal the fresher, younger you.
Noun response of body tissues to irritation, characterized by redness and swelling
Snail mucus is key to the facial, as it reportedly contains a beauty-boosting cocktail of proteins, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, which help skin retain moisture, reduce inflammation and remove dead skin.
Adjective having rough and uneven edges or surfaces
Marine trainees in Taiwan endure a 50m crawl over jagged rocks as part of final trials known as the Road to Heaven test.
Adjective so intense as to be almost touched or felt
As the sun sets over the city on the second day of the disaster, the apprehension for the days that follow is palpable for all.
Noun fluid passed through the pores of the skin
Thomas Edison famously said that genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration, words that could well apply to a new machine promoted by UNICEF that turns human sweat into drinking water.
Adjective shrunken into wrinkles
Why does the skin on our fingers and toes shrivel up when we soak in the bath? Pruney fingers act like rain treads, and may have given our ancestors better grips and footing for collecting food from streams.
Adjective relating to or used for the sense of touch
Virtual reality is cool and all, but you can't actually physically feel what's happening. Disney is looking to change that with Aireal, a new invention that blows puffs of air at people to simulate a tactile experience.
Noun condition where natural coloring is lost from areas of the skin, causing whitish patches
The King of Pop admitted to having two nose jobs and a dimple added to his chin. Although there was speculation that he dyed his skin, he said he had a disease called vitiligo and used makeup to even out the discoloration.