
Adjective able to channel electricity
Engineers have long been trying to come up with a synthetic polymer that is flexible, waterproof, conductive, heals itself, and is sensitive to touch, all outside the carefully calibrated set-up of a lab. Just like our skin.
Noun form of energy that is carried through wires and is used to operate machines, lights, etc.
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of high-voltage electricity to keep working.
Noun machine that converts one form of energy into another
The dams create strong water flows which move turbine blades that turn the rotor of an electric generator. When the coils of wire on the rotor sweep past the generator’s stationary coil, electricity is produced.
Noun system of electrical distribution serving a large area
No Name Key, a tiny island in the Florida Keys, is completely off the grid. Its residents use solar panels and generators to power their homes.
Adjective of or relating to the production of electricity by waterpower
Hydroelectric power is a timeless, renewable resource that has fuelled Ontario's economic growth since the beginning of the twentieth century. Today, OPG operates 65 hydroelectric stations on 24 river systems.
Noun abrupt rough or violent movement
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of high-voltage electricity to keep working.
Adjective startlingly bright
St. Elmo’s fire is an electrical weather phenomenon occurring when the electric field like those generated by thunderstorms causes the air molecules around an object to produce luminous plasma.
Noun a form of oxygen that is found in a layer high in the earth's atmosphere
Venezuela's mysterious "Relampago del Catatumbo" is cloud-to-cloud lightning. The frequency of electric discharge makes it a great generator of ozone.
Noun fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen
Cloud-to-ground lightning bolts are a common phenomenon—about 100 strike Earth’s surface every single second. Each bolt can contain up to one billion volts of electricity.
Noun fitting that when inserted into an outlet makes an electrical connection
The new iPhone 5 comes with a new plug called Lightning. The change is a headache for some consumers who will need to tweak their old devices, but a great business opportunity for accessory makers.
Adjective able to make full or complete again, esp. resources
Chatty teenagers could be the world's next renewable energy source. Scientists have created a new material that converts sound waves into electricity.
Noun part of a machine that turns around a central point
The dams create strong water flows which move turbine blades that turn the rotor of an electric generator. When the coils of wire on the rotor sweep past the generator’s stationary coil, electricity is produced.
Noun packaged group of solar cells that convert the sun's radiation into energy for use
If a car with solar panels mounted on its roof were left outside on a sunny day for 10 hours, it would generate enough electricity for less than 10 miles of driving.
Adjective enhanced or increased in power or performance
Imagine an electric vehicle that can get you to work, or anywhere in a six-mile radius, without traffic frustrations or gasoline. Yes, this souped-up skateboard could change the face of morning commutes.
Adjective able to be continued at a certain rate or level
Tokelau, which consists of three small Pacific atolls administered by New Zealand, gets 93% of its electricity from solar panels, and the other 7% from a sustainable supply of coconuts.
Noun engine that has a part with blades, caused to spin by pressure from water, steam, or air
The dams create strong water flows which move turbine blades that turn the rotor of an electric generator. When the coils of wire on the rotor sweep past the generator’s stationary coil, electricity is produced.
Noun company that performs a public service
Supporters of the smart grid, which sends electricity usage information from a household back to the utility at frequent intervals, are learning that they need to take privacy concerns seriously.
Noun force of an electrical current that is measured in volts (units electromotive force)
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of high-voltage electricity to keep working.