Science Sampler

Adjective added to or made greater in amount or strength
Google's augmented reality spectacles create sound by sending vibrations directly through the wearer's skull. Called "bone conduction audio," the tech allows you to hear the noise in the environment too.
Noun unique biological sign of a process or condition
One of the world's leading causes of blindness is a small parasitic worm that can get in the eyes. Diagnosis has proven difficult, but the recent discovery of a biomarker in the urine of those infected will aid in treatment.
Adjective measured precisely
Engineers have long been trying to come up with a synthetic polymer that is flexible, waterproof, conductive, heals itself, and is sensitive to touch, all outside the carefully calibrated set-up of a lab. Just like our skin.
Adjective unable to leave a place because of illness
Confined to a small isolation room in a hospital, a telepresence robot helped a young patient experience life at home and in the classroom.
Verb unite or blend together
Myriad plants and animals use Velcro-like attachments, and engineers are now studying nature to learn how to create a “super-Velcro” that would be strong enough to fuse the pieces of a computer or maybe even a car.
Adjective capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
To provide flood protection for transportation tunnels, engineers aim to use a relatively cheap inflatable plug to hold back floodwaters, one that is strong and durable despite the pliable, light-weight materials required.
Noun something that is expected or certain to happen in the future
A new study by the University of Chicago shows that the prospect of having to do a math problem causes number-phobic brains to experience pain. Apparently the anxiety occurs only during the anticipation.
Verb combine so as to form a more complex product
Scientists have stored all 154 of Shakespeare's sonnets on tiny stretches of synthesized DNA. Large companies might one day keep DNA storage rather than maintain and update roomfuls of hard drives.
Verb mark so as to follow closely
QR codes are generally something we think of as silly, but it turns out they can actually serve interesting purposes for science, like tracking an entire colony of tagged ants to better understand their corporate ladder.
Noun grooved surface that allows for better support
Why does the skin on our fingers and toes shrivel up when we soak in the bath? Pruney fingers act like rain treads, and may have given our ancestors better grips and footing for collecting food from streams.