Where Do You Hang Out?

Noun place or situation in which no development or progress is taking place
Malaysia has a new image. The sleepy tropical backwater stereotyped in the novels of Anthony Burgess and Somerset Maugham's short stories has been superseded by Malaysia the high-tech urbanized regional powerbroker.
Noun totality of blogs on the internet and the conversations taking place in them
The blogosphere recently erupted with stories that Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers had been "kidnapped" by aides to Vice President Joe Biden.
Noun place of safety sheltered from pursuit or trouble
"What's most important now is that my family has the time, privacy, and safe haven we will need for personal healing," said Woods.
Noun place of important activity or danger
hot spot
During October and November Hudson Bay chills and Churchill becomes a hot spot for getting a close look at polar bears as they migrate.
Noun place that attracts many visitors
The Abbey Road zebra crossing, described as a mecca for Beatles fans, has been given Grade II listed status, meaning it is recognized as nationally important and of special interest.
Noun world in miniature
Walmart has become a microcosm of American life, serving as the backdrop for countless tales of kindness and mayhem, spread with glee and alacrity across the Internet.
Noun place or situation in which somebody finds perfect happiness
This paradise on earth is located in a remote canyon of Arizona. It takes a good deal of effort to get there, but the reward is worth it.
Noun place where a ship stops on a voyage
Disney owns a private island in the Bahamas designed as an exclusive port of call for its cruise ships --providing guests with world class, one-of-a-kind vacation experiences.
place where someone likes to go or often goes
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of the Bard's old stomping grounds — ruins of the famous 16th-century Curtain Theater, buried below the streets of modern London.
Noun social gathering place where alcoholic drinks are sold
A slew of US watering holes now host science nights, gatherings where brainiacs from universities and labs give talks and booze it up with the locals.