The Good, the Bad, & the Dog

Noun select for a job or role
A Japanese police department appointed a chihuahua to its disaster squad, where it will serve alongside retrievers and German shepherds.
Adjective not in keeping with plans or expectations
The Obamas' dog, Bo, was unsuccessful in his first home. Plans for him to be a companion for an older female dog went awry because he irritated her with attempts to suckle.
Verb tell someone about a private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others
It comes naturally for us to confide in a gentle-faced dog about our traumas. Therapy dogs are invited into communities that have recently gone through crisis situations, as a way to provide emotional release.
Noun somebody's behavior, especially as it reflects on character
While the Mexican Hairless Dog, as it's known in English speaking countries, is noted for having a calm demeanor, they are exceptional guard dogs and will not back down from a fight.
Adjective quiet and easy to control
In fact Bedlington Terriers were originally bred as fighters, which may seem strange given this one's docile appearance.
Adjective characterized by high-spirited, sometimes aggressive, behavior
These feisty dogs often bond to only one or two persons in a household. They can also be snobbish when it comes to other kinds of dogs, as the Chihuahua is a clannish breed.
Adjective showing discontent or anger
The green eyes glowering at me are unlike any dog or wolf, any canine I’ve ever seen. They are unmistakably human.
Verb end or lessen something unpleasant such as pain or tension
Twenty years ago, the few dogs that were in Beijing stood a chance of landing on a dinner plate. Today, with a lot of stress in people’s lives, having a dog is a way to relieve it.
Verb order an animal, such as a dog to attack
If the Gamemakers want to punish me, they can do it publicly. Wait until I’m in the arena and sic starving wild animals on me. You can bet they’ll make sure I don’t have a bow and arrow to defend myself.
Noun the foot of an animal that has claws or nails
The Chinese Crested dog has a reputation for being uniquely ugly. Hairless everywhere but on the top of the head, paws and tail, they require sunscreen whenever they go outside.