Fish Fight (advanced)

Verb eat something eagerly so that nothing is left
Some say sickly cattle that have stooped their heads down to drink from the river have been grabbed by the mouth and pulled into the water, devoured in just minutes.
Adjective displaying violence and being ready to attack
The viperfish is one of the fiercest predators in the sea, with long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws. It lures its prey with lights on its dorsal spine.
Verb wait in hiding to attack
These ghostly looking creatures have an unusual defense mechanism called counter-illumination which they use to escape predators that lurk in the depths.
Noun part of a living form that is typically self-contained and performs a necessary function
Flashlight fishes are named for their large bioluminescent organs that are located beneath the eyes. The light they produce is used to attract prey, escape from predators, and to communicate!
Adjective relating to animals that naturally hunt and live on other animals
Great white sharks are the largest predatory fish on Earth. They are streamlined, torpedo-shaped, and have up to 300 serrated teeth arranged in several rows.
Noun feeding on dead or decaying matter
Piranha have tightly packed, interlocking teeth built for rapid puncture and shearing. Piranhas have a voracious appetite for meat, but prefer to scavenge on animals that are already dead.