MVN Geography Nouns

Noun group of things arranged in an impressive or structured way
An array of 624 mirrors track the sun, their reflected beams converging onto the tip of the whimsical Solucar solar power plant near Seville, Spain.
Noun strict economy
One of the perks of living in Europe is the generous vacation schedule. But austerity moves in Spain could mean the loss of a celebrated tradition: the four-day weekend.
Verb to cover or include a wide area
This glass-bottomed, U-shaped cantilever structure spans 70 ft (21 m) and juts out over the brim of the Grand Canyon -- a supreme test for those with acrophobia.
Noun group of parties, factions, or nations united in a common cause
Eleven mayors in Mexico have been killed since January, as the Mexican government pushes forward with its offensive against the drug cartels. Mayors are targeted in municipalities where drug violence rages.
Noun remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
Japan faces the distressing hurdle of removing an estimated 100 million tons of detritus in the wake of last month's earthquake and tsunami.
Noun a gaudy outward display
The Mardi Gras Indians show great fanfare during New Orleans' Fat Tuesday celebrations, as "tribes" share in a friendly, intensely communal competition for the best suits, songs and dances.
Noun something designed to attract extra attention or interest
The decorations might be garish, but they're not entirely unexpected as the Emirates Palace is well known for luxurious gimmicks.
Noun something that encourages a person to do something or to work harder
Sweden is trying a new method of speed-limit enforcement: gamification. It's based on positive incentives. For safe driving, you are entered into a lottery to win a portion of the fine money paid by speeders.
Noun place, building, or container where things are stored
The New York Public Library is celebrating its centennial this year, and endures as an important center of learning while its repositories are digitized.
Noun something that causes a great amount of trouble
As urbanization has steadily barged in on their habitat, monkeys have become the scourge of New Delhi. The solution for now: a bigger monkey.