Hearing Voices!

Adjective lacking variety in tone, pitch, and interest
OMG I hate this guy's voice, he is so monotonous! We get unbelievably bored listening to him yap on and on in his ho-hum lectures.
Adjective having a high-pitched sound or cry
Yes! But remember the last prof we had? Her voice was so squeaky, I couldn't stand listening to her. What irritating classes those were!
Noun one who's volume of conversation is so low that you can barely hear them
Yeah but she was definitely better than the low-talker we had to listen to this morning! I mean even with a mic I could hardly hear him! It was so tiring trying to understand what he was saying,
Phrase speak loudly, often without considering the effect on others nearby
using my outside voice
Right. I am the complete opposite! People are always telling me to "Stop using my outside voice"....even when I'm inside. Hey, I get excited but that seems to be annoying for some people!
Adjective a person's voice sounding rough and throaty often from overuse or a sore throat
were hoarse
Well you can be exhausting at times. Remember when you got your horse and talked about it for so long that you almost lost your voice? You were hoarse and I was so tired I thought I'd die!
Adjective a voice sounding low-pitched and slightly hoarse
I wish I had a nice husky voice! I would be a radio DJ. Now that would be amusing!