Making Excuses (informal)

Phrase to be available to do something
are you free
Tanya: Hey, are you free right now? I have a favor to ask you.
Phrase to take a short trip to do something that needs to be done
run an errand
Tanya: Can you help me run an errand? I need to buy drinks for tonight's party.
Phrase used before giving a reason for not doing something
I would but
Theo: I would but I have nothing to wear.
Phrase a poor explanation for not doing something
a lame excuse
Tanya: That’s a lame excuse and you know it.
Phrase saying something is true (informal)
for real
Theo: No, for real. I need to do laundry.
Phrase will not require a large amount of time
won't take long
Tanya: You can wear what you have on! Anyway, this won't take long.
Phrase choose to do something a little later in time
put it off
Theo: Can we put it off until after my favorite TV show? It'll be over in an hour...
Phrase stop creating reasons to not do something (informal)
quit stalling
Tanya: Quit stalling, are you with me or not?
Phrase used to express agreement
Theo: Oh alright, I'm coming. I just need to put on my shoes.
Phrase used to thank someone and say you'll do something in return later
I owe you one
Tanya: Thanks, this is a big help! I owe you one.