Body Language: above the neck!

Phrase expressing surprise
eyes wide open
Ivan stared at his new math textbook with eyes wide open. This class was going to be harder than he expected!
Phrase shows that a person is upset or ashamed
put his head in his hands
Aaron put his head in his hands when he found out he made a huge mistake on the exam and ended up failing the course.
Phrase express doubt or curiosity
raised an eyebrow
My friend raised an eyebrow when I told him that I, the out-of-shape guy, was top scorer in our last football game.
Phrase express annoyance, disbelief, or disapproval
rolled her eyes
Clara rolled her eyes as Derrick explained why he was so late, again! We can't believe anything he says any more.
Phrase express confusion or an inability to understand
scratches her head
Marie scratches her head as she tries to understand her friend's notes. His handwriting is so bad she can't read anything!
Phrase express deep thought
stroked their chins
Jordan and Crystal stroked their chins as their teacher gave a very interesting lecture.