People: level 8

Adjective hostile or aggressive so as ready to fight
Rhys Myers attempted to board the plane but was prohibited from flying due to "belligerent" and "disruptive" behavior that "was getting out of control."
Verb work together on a common enterprise or project
Celebrity Emma Watson recently announced that she would collaborate with designer Alberta Ferretti to create a new organic clothing line.
Noun dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views
Lady Gaga no doubt planned on causing maximum controversy by wearing the 'raw meat' ensemble - including a meat hat and purse - to the Los Angeles event.
Adjective showy and dashing in a self-satisfied way
Antoine Dodson became an Internet sensation overnight. His flamboyant nature and outspoken comments about the bedroom intruder has swept the nation.
Adjective certain to happen
"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible. Then they seem improbable. And then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
Noun relatively minor wrongdoing or crime
Though recognizing intent and a certain level of brazenness in her actions, the judge reduced Lindsey Lohan's charge of felony grand theft to a misdemeanor.
Adjective threatening or foreshadowing poor developments
Osama bin Laden's close proximity to the Pakistani military and Islamabad has led to ominous questions of whether Pakistan was complicit in hiding him.
Noun violently angry and destructive behavior
Bad boy actor Charlie Sheen flippantly offered to toss a porn star $20,000 to calm her down after terrorizing her in a hotel rampage.
Verb waver between opinions or actions
"If we are going to solve the challenges we face, we can't vacillate, we can't shift depending on our politics."
Adjective (esp. of a woman) attractively lively and animated
The vivacious actress has checked into rehab, a sobering reminder that even Disney princesses aren't always as picture perfect as they might appear.