N Word: blog LM

Adjective expressing criticism or a low opinion
New permutations of the "Meal, Ready to Eat," field rations known by every derogatory name possible, are tentatively being called edible, even gourmet.
Noun accepted code or behavior
In tennis, the foot fault is a subjective penalty, with many players believing that it should be called according to etiquette and not the written rule.
Verb take back as a right or possession
Kolmanskop, a ghost town in southern Namibia, is popular among photographers for its imagery of the desert sands' reclaiming what was once a thriving setting.
Adjective involving shameful and unethical actions
As Libyans are finally able to vent their fury against the toppled police state, the race is on to secure archives of the Libyan State and Gadhafi's sordid and curious rule.
Verb cause an event or situation to happen
Anything can trigger memories... a song, a smell, or a few words from a 6-year-old boy. In the instant, we relive in vivid detail and feel the emotions again as though they were new.
Verb say something out loud
While talking about the ranch, Barbara Walters expressed discomfort at saying the word (which was swiftly muted out) and confused awe that Whoopi (Goldberg) could utter the word repeatedly.