Choice: blog LM

Adjective suited to the purpose or occasion
Jordan Belson's films have been called painterly and cosmological. Both words are apt, with his intimations of organic and molecular forms having an evanescent beauty.
Adjective stirring controversy
"One Pig," a divisive new album by British electronic musician Matthew Herbert, chronicles the life of a pig from birth to slaughter using the sounds from its environment.
Adjective tending to stir up conflict
Betty Davis, R&B 70's singer and songwriter known for her powerful voice, cooked up a blend of incendiary, rhythmically progressive funk that was like nothing heard before.
Noun subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound
Deadmau5 strips the texture, nuance, and slickness from dance music and replaces it with bright visuals that tantalize the eyes.
Adjective brief but meaningful in expression
When he speaks, his remarks are pithy and pointed. But Justice Clarence Thomas hasn't spoken in a court argument in five years, a record silence that is both epic and enigmatic.
Verb command against
The vocal Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is prohibited from leaving Beijing, but that hasn't stopped him from coordinating the opening of an art exhibit, titled "Ai Weiwei, Absent," in Taiwan.
Adjective precise or not obvious as to be difficult to analyze or describe
Cats use a 'subtle mechanism' in which water sticks to the tip of the tongue and is pulled up into the mouth, taking advantage of the water’s inertia.
Verb control or influence a person or course of action
Outages in Blackberry's email and messaging services may sway customers to the iPhone, which has a new model coming out Friday.
Noun system of words used to name things in a particular discipline
The beauty industry is bundling cosmetic surgery and cosmetic salon treatments under the same terminology. Confusing the two trivializes surgery and can put patients in real danger.