Adjective existing as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
The concept of chance, that there could be events which are neither inevitable nor intentional, is difficult and abstract but it has gained strength as science has developed.
Adjective concerned with the appreciation of beauty
"I hate that aesthetic game of the eye and the mind, played by these connoisseurs, these mandarins who 'appreciate' beauty. What is beauty, anyway? ...I love or I hate."
Adjective characterized by unpredictable changes in behavior
This diamond gained notoriety when King Henry the Third, who was capricious and vain, chose to wear it on his cap in order to hide his balding head.
Adjective showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with one's achievements
"Britain must not be complacent," Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone said. "We are a world leader for gay rights but there is still more we must do."
Adjective not according to what is generally done and slightly strange
Shock horror! Lady Gaga has gone chic. Curiously, the offbeat accessories only added to the eccentric, 'palazzo princess' style of the ensemble.
Adjective extremely careful and precise
The toxic pufferfish delicacy called Fugu kills about 300 people per year in spite of the meticulous measurements of expert chefs.
Adjective seeming reasonable or probable
The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the film Contagion was designed for entertainment purposes, but that the scenario of a global pandemic is plausible.
Adjective not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
People who are emotionally expressive should feel comfortable doing that and people who are naturally reticent should not feel like failures because they're not yucking it up all the time.