Barron's TOEFL U-V

Noun the foot of an animal that has claws or nails
The Chinese Crested dog has a reputation for being uniquely ugly. Hairless everywhere but on the top of the head, paws and tail, they require sunscreen whenever they go outside.
Adjective urgently needed
Scientists say that by defecating nitrogen-rich dung at the ocean's surface, which algae needs to grow, whales prove vital to marine ecosystems.
Adjective legally acceptable or usable
International observers announced that Haiti's general election was valid despite "serious irregularities."
Adjective of colors, bright and striking
Growers from the Netherlands have discovered how to create rainbow petals. A special extract injected in the stem creates flowers with unusually bright and vibrant colors.
Adjective characterized by forceful and energetic action
During coitus the female praying mantis will bite the male's head off, causing a more vigorous delivery of sperm and better chance of fertilization.