The Garden

Verb to put a seed, flower, or plant in the ground to grow
Dana wants to plant lots of vegetables and flowers in her garden this year.
Noun a small area of ground specially prepared for plants
garden beds
Dana arranges her garden beds so that each plant has enough room to grow.
Noun a small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow
Dana plants her seeds deep in the earth and gives them plenty of water.
Verb to make soil richer and more productive by adding chemicals or a natural substance
Dana uses bags of manure to fertilize her garden. It stinks, but plants love it.
Verb to start to grow out of the earth
Look at Dana’s garden! The first seeds are beginning to sprout.
Noun a long worm that lives in wet soil
The soil is filled with earthworms. Dana loves them because they help make food for her plants.
Noun animals and insects that eat or damage gardens
Dana works hard to grow her garden, so she’s watchful for pests that try to eat it!
Noun a plant that grows where it is not wanted and covers or kills more desirable plants
Dana removes any weeds she sees to make more room for the plants she wants to grow.
Noun the part of a plant that grows underground, gets water, and holds the plant in place
Dana knows to remove weeds by their roots. Otherwise they grow back!
Verb to remove a fruit of flower from a plant with your hand
Finally Dana can pick the first vegetables from her garden. Delicious!