Phrasal Verbs+ : SIT

Phrase to spend time doing nothing useful
sitting around
My sister spent the whole weekend sitting around watching TV instead of doing her schoolwork.
Phrase to get into a comfortable and relaxed position
sit back
Sit back and enjoy the movie!
Phrase to make no effort to stop something bad from happening
sat by
The kids sat by and watched while their sand castle was destroyed by a wave.
Phrase to take the place of someone who isn't present
sat in for
My boss couldn't make it to his meeting so I sat in for him.
Phrase to delay dealing with or talking about something (informal)
sit on
Let's sit on making our vacation plans until after the stormy season is over.
Phrase to not take part in something
sat out
The player sat out for the rest of the game after he injured his foot.
Phrase living in comfort or luxury
sitting pretty
My friend invested in a company that made him a lot of money. Now he is sitting pretty.
Phrase to stay where you are
sit tight
Sit tight, I'm going to ask the airline employee why our flight is delayed.
Phrase to stay awake until late at night
sat up
Last night I sat up late reading my book.