Turns of Phrase 2

Phrase to begin doing something quickly
jump to it
It was a hot day and everyone was sitting around. Sue said that if they were going to do anything they had better jump to it before the day was wasted.
Phrase to do or perform something extraordinarily well
hit it out of the park
Patrick suggested that they could take his car down to the beach. Everyone agreed that Patrick had hit it out of the park with his idea.
Phrase make a sudden change in plans
called an audible
As they were driving to the beach it started to rain heavily, so Patrick called an audible and they all went to the movies instead.
Phrase to start doing something early in order to get an advantage
get a jump on
Cindy wanted to get a jump on her research paper so that she could relax on the weekend, so she went to the library.
Phrase to come up against a difficulty that is too great to get past
hit a brick wall
She hit a brick wall when she couldn't find any of the books she needed to do her research.
Phrase to stop an activity for the remainder of the day
call it a day
After an hour of looking Cindy decided to call it a day and left the library to meet with her friends.