Baseball Idioms 1

Phrase to be wrong or mistaken
were way off base
Brandon expected fifty people to come to the event, but his numbers were way off base.
Phrase to be very surprising and unexpected
came out of left field
Todd's criticism really came out of left field... he's usually so positive!
Phrase to only have one more chance
has two strikes against him
Micah needs to pay attention in class. He already has two strikes against him and the teacher is watching him carefully.
Phrase to do or perform something extraordinarily well
hit it out of the park
You shouldn't worry about your English test, I'm sure you hit it out of the park.
Phrase close to the correct or exact number, price, etc.
in the ballpark
"Wow, nice car! How much did it cost you... $25,000? $30,000?""I won't say, but you're in the ballpark."
Phrase to act or serve in place of another person, especially in an emergency
Hello class, my name is Mr. Milli and I'll be teaching today. I'm pinch-hitting for Ms. McCarthy who is out sick.