Strong Verbs: to eat

Verb to use your teeth to cut food into small pieces before you swallow it
Gross! Please chew with your mouth closed!
Verb to drink all of the liquid in something
Drain your glasses, we need to leave to get to the movie on time.
Verb to eat large amounts of food
Everything looks delicious! We're going to feast tonight!
Verb to eat or drink something very quickly
Dan and Aaron must be very hungry. They inhale any food put in front of them!
Phrase to eat slowly or with small bites
nibble on
I'm not feeling very hungry, I just want something to nibble on.
Verb to enjoy the taste or smell of something for as long as possible
This chocolate cake is delicious! I'm going to savor every bite.
Verb to eat or drink something noisily or with a sucking sound
Someone is slurping their soup. It's very annoying!
Verb to pull on something with your mouth to draw in liquid
I prefer to suck the juice from an orange slice. It tastes fresher.