Comparative Idioms 2

Phrase unable to see well at all
as blind as a bat
I need to find my glasses. Without them I'm as blind as a bat!
Phrase very clean
as clean as a whistle
When I'm done washing my car it's going to be as clean as a whistle.
Phrase very difficult to understand
as clear as mud
Can you help me with the math homework? I read the chapter but it's as clear as mud to me.
Phrase calm and relaxed
as cool as a cucumber
I thought that Ilana would be nervous the day before her surgery, but she was as cool as a cucumber.
Phrase of very long standing or very great age
as old as the hills
Fights between teenagers and their parents are as old as the hills.
Phrase very clear or obvious
as plain as the nose on your face
I can tell that you really like Vicky. It's as plain as the nose on your face!
Phrase very fast
as quick as lightning
Tony is a big guy and he might seem slow, but he moves as quick as lightning on the soccer field.
Phrase happening or working in a very consistent way
as regular as clockwork
Anton gets a call from his Mom every day at 5:00. It's as regular as clockwork.
Phrase in excellent health or condition, usually after an illness or minor accident
as right as rain
I sprained my ankle, but the doctor says that with a few weeks of rest I'll be as right as rain.
Phrase unwilling to change your ideas or to stop doing something
as stubborn as a mule
Gretchen refuses to see a doctor about her back pain. She's as stubborn as a mule.