YOLA 01: Culture Shock - p2

Verb to act on someone or something and cause a change
Many students find that the British climate affects them a lot.
Phrase familiar with something so that it seems normal or usual
used to
You may be used to a much warmer climate, or you may just find the grayness and dampness, especially during the winter months, difficult to get used to.
Adjective making your stomach feel full
You may find British food strange. It may taste different, or be cooked differently, or it may seem tasteless or heavy compared with what you are used to.
Adverb all the time or very often over a period of time
Constantly listening and speaking in a foreign language is tiring.
Adverb in a complete manner
Although you may have learned English very thoroughly, it is possible that the regional accents you discover when you arrive in the UK make the language harder to understand than you thought.
Verb to say something again
People may also speak quickly and you may feel too embarrassed to ask them to repeat what they have said.
Noun a region with particular weather patterns or conditions
If you come from a warm climate, you may find it uncomfortable to wear heavy winter clothing.
Adjective showing a lot of your body in a way that is considered improper
Not all students will find the style of dress different, but for others people's dress may seem immodest or unattractive.
Adjective causing laughter
Others still will find people's dress to be comical, or simply drab.
Noun the common opinion that people have about something
Every culture has unspoken rules which affect the way people treat each other. These rules give a culture its reputation.
Noun the habit of arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time
For example, the British are generally known for their punctuality.
Phrase stay on schedule
keeping to time
In business and academic life keeping to time is important. You should always be on time for lectures, classes and meetings.
Phrase the time that you spend enjoying yourself with friends
social life
Social life is a little more complicated. Arranging to meet and see a film at 8 pm means arriving at 8 pm.
Verb to intend or expect to do something
But if you are invited to visit someone's home for dinner at 8 pm you should probably aim to arrive at about 8:10, but not later than 8:20.
Adverb forward in time
When going to a student party an invitation for 8 pm probably means any time from 9:30 pm onwards!