Idioms with HEART

Phrase from memory
by heart
This is my favorite book. I know most of it by heart!
Phrase to be jealous
eat his heart out
Evan's going to eat his heart out when he hears that I had a picnic with Jessie.
Phrase to show kindness and sympathy
have a heart
Have a heart and volunteer to help those in need this Valentine's Day!
Phrase to want something very much
my heart is set on
These puppies are all adorable! But my heart is set on this one.
Phrase to begin to feel better and more hopeful
take heart
Even if you feel bad now, you should take heart in knowing that your friends and family are here for you.
Phrase to take seriously and be affected or troubled by
took it to heart
I really took it to heart when she told me I wasn't committed enough to our relationship.
Phrase until you feel satisfied
to my heart's content
My Grandma's cookies are amazing. She lets me eat them to my heart's content!