PUT: phrasal verbs [advanced]

Phrase to save or keep something, such as money, to be used at a later time
put aside
I always try to put aside some money in case I need it for an emergency.
Verb to return something to the place where it belongs
put away
"Class! Put away your phones, I'm starting the lesson!"
Phrase to consider someone or something as being more important than someone or something else
puts her family before
Rebecca always puts her family before her career as a designer.
Phrase to work or do something for an amount of time
put in
I try to put in an hour of studying every night before I go to bed.
Phrase to decide that something will happen at a later time
putting off
I've been putting off cleaning my room, but I can't ignore it any longer!
Verb cause a fire to stop burning
put out
We always remember to put out the campfire before we leave. We don't want to start a wildfire!
Phrase to cause someone or something to experience something
put through
Our team was put through a number of obstacles before we could finish the race.
Phrase to create something by joining or gathering parts together
put together
My friend Lindsey is helping me put together my new desk. She's really good at it!
Phrase to build something
putting up
Construction workers are putting up a new hotel on Main St. It looks pretty cool!
Phrase to allow someone or something unpleasant or annoying to exist or happen
put up with
I have to put up with a lot of jokes by my coworkers at the office.