YOLA 09B: 19th-Century Paperback Lit - all

Adjective barely able to read and or write
A publishing craze that hit both America and England from the mid- to late nineteenth century attracted the readership of the semiliterate working class.
Phrase have something as a major concern or theme
centered on
In America, dime novels typically centered on tales of the American Revolution and the Wild West, while British penny bloods (later called penny dreadfuls) told serial tales of horror or fictionalized versions of true crimes.
Phrase start to develop
opening up
These paperback novels were sold at newsstands and dry goods stores and succeeded in opening up the publishing market for both writers and readers.
Noun the ability to read and write
The industrial revolution facilitated the growth of literacy, making it easier to print and transport publications in large quantities, thus providing inexpensive entertainment for the masses.
Verb to go or spread from one person or place to another
Though Johann Gutenberg's printing press was designed in the fifteenth century, it was not until after the first newspapers began circulating in the eighteenth century that it became a profitable invention.
Noun a person who is not a member of the nobility
Throughout the 19th century, commoners in England were becoming educated through normal schools, church schools, and mutual instruction classes, and by the 1830s, approximately 75% of the working class had learned to read.
Adjective required by a law or rule
In 1870, the Forster's Education Act made elementary education mandatory for all children.
Adjective able to be used or obtained
Though few children's books were available, penny dreadfuls were highly accessible, especially to male youths who created clubs in order to pool their money and start their own libraries.
Verb to throw away something because it is useless or unwanted
Similar to reading a newspaper, dime novels and penny dreadfuls were meant to be read quickly and discarded, unlike the hardbound high literature that was written in volumes and published for the elite.
Adjective having a great need or desire for something
Struggling authors, many with limited writing and storytelling skills, suddenly found an audience desperate to read their work. When typewriters became available in the 1870s, authors were able to maximize their profits.
Noun the money that someone needs to pay for housing, food, etc.
Successful authors, some of whom wrote over 50,000 words a month, were able to earn a decent living at a penny per word.
Verb to have or include something as an important part
From the 1830s to 1850s, penny bloods featured tales of gore.
Verb to describe someone or something using words, a story, etc.
The tales often depicted the upper class as corrupt. One of the most beloved characters from the penny blood serials was Sweeney Todd, created by Thomas Prest.
Verb to cause someone to experience severe physical pain
In the original story, String of Pearls: A Romance, published in 1846, Sweeney Todd was a demon barber who used his razor to torture his victims before turning them into meat pies.
Verb to change a movie, book, play, etc. so that it can be presented in another form
In 1847, hack playwright George Dibdin Pitt adapted Thomas Prest's story for the stage, renaming it The String of Pearls: The Fiend of Fleet Street.
Noun the legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, recording, etc.
With no copyright laws, authors like Prest were always at risk of having their ideas pilfered by others.
Noun a violent and cruel killing of many people, sometimes used figuratively
Pitt's play was released again one year later at one of London's "bloodbath" theaters under the name Founded on Fact. The Sweeney Todd story also made its way into musicals and comedies.
Phrase to form, make, or develop an idea by using something else as a starting point
based on
Controversy still exists over whether Thomas Prest's character was based on a real person. No records of a barber shop on Fleet Street, or a barber named Sweeney Todd have been found.
Noun something that gives someone an idea about what to do or create
Thomas Prest was known for getting his inspiration from "The Old Bailey" of the London Times, a section devoted to real-life horror stories.
Adjective not giving good, steady, or useful results
Despite the warning from Lord Shaftsbury that the paperback literature was seducing middle-class society into an unproductive life of evil, the penny bloods grew in popularity.
Noun a right or way to express your wishes, opinions, etc.
Penny bloods provided a literary voice for commoners at an affordable price. Eventually, penny bloods became known as penny dreadfuls and began to focus more on adventure than horror.
Verb to describe by labeling or giving a name to
In 1860, Beadle and Adams was the first firm in the United States to publish a title that would be categorized as a dime novel.
Phrase make it easier for something to happen or for someone to do something
paved the way for
Originally a magazine series, Anne Stephens’ Malaeska: The Indian Wife of the White Hunter sold approximately 300,000 copies in the first year as a novel. Its success paved the way for the new fad in America.
Verb to happen or appear again
Many dime novels were written as serials with recurring characters, such as Deadwood Dick, Commander Cody, and Wild Bill.
Adjective showing great enthusiasm for or interest in
Originally, the paperbacks were intended for railroad travelers; however, during the Civil War, soldiers quickly became the most avid dime novel readers.
Noun the process by which cities grow bigger and more and more people go to live in them
Beadle dime novels became so popular that the company had to build a factory of hack writers to mass produce them. As urbanization spread, tales of the Wild West were in less demand, and tales of urban outlaws became popular.
Adjective causing very great excitement or interest with shocking details
At that time, dime novels were chosen for their illustrated covers rather than their sensational stories and characters.
Noun the state of being liked, enjoyed, accepted, or done by a large number of people
Despite their popularity, by the late 1880s dry goods stores were so full of unsold books that prices dropped to less than five cents per copy. Many titles that could still not sell were given away or destroyed.
Noun an amount of money paid to the original creator of a product, book, or piece of music
The International Copyright Law, passed by Congress in 1890, required publishers to pay royalties to foreign authors. Selling at less than five cents a copy, the paperback industry was doomed until the arrival of pulp paper.