Beautiful Beaches

Noun anything that gradually gets smaller from a circular section to a point
Kaihalulu Beach is one of a very few red beaches in the world. The sand gets its brilliant color from the iron-rich cinder cone hills surrounding the bay.
Verb control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy
The new Ocean Health Index is meant to give countries a quantitative measure of how well they harness and maintain the benefits of their coastal territories.
Adjective allowing someone to enjoy the pleasure of
Thailand beaches will spark your senses with breezy beach fronts, indulging Thai massages, enthralling shorelines and hidden islands.
Adjective relating to or living in the sea
The sculptures will be made of PH-neutral concrete, which, it is hoped, will attract algae and marine life and give the local ecosystem a boost.
Adjective pleasantly calm or peaceful
Phuket Beach guarantees fabulous vistas, especially the alluring sight of the sun, rising and setting over placid clear waters.
Adjective fresh, clean, and unspoiled
All too often, mega resorts market their beaches as pristine, serene, and romantic. Most are anything but, such as this one teeming with sunbathers.
Noun ridge of jagged rock, coral, or sand just above or below the surface of the sea
This extraordinary artificial reef (MUSA) off the east coast of Mexico is made of life-casts of real people constructed from materials which encourage coral to grow.
Verb enjoy something with unhurried appreciation
Hate crowds? Try this amazing sand-and-surf getaway for beachcombers who savor solitude.
Noun the line where land and sea meet
Google is making a huge investment in a massive off-shore cable that would eventually carry power from off-shore wind farms to cities along the Atlantic seaboard.
Noun waves breaking on a shore or reef
Chinstrap penguins ride out high surf on blue-ice icebergs in the South Sandwich Islands, safe for the moment from predaceous leopard seals.